Cut your mobile phone bill with Tariff Manager It will help you to manage your phone bills by giving a warning message when your allowed calls, messages and internet data gets low. This application can also be used to keep a record of your phone usage. Call usage: Tariff Manger monitors your incoming and outgoing call usage and takes action when remaining calls gets low. N8 Fan Club dot Com Warning message with number of remaining calls when making or receiving calls can be enabled. Messaging usage: Tariff Manger monitors your incoming and outgoing message usage and takes action when remaining messages gets low. Warning message with number of remaining messages when sending or receiving messages can be enabled. Internet usage: Tariff Manger monitors your incoming and outgoing internet data usage and takes action when remaining internet data gets low.
Warning message with remain data (in MB) when sending or receiving internet data can be enabled.
⇨Auto start application when phone starts or re-boot
⇨Set tariff validity by date or duration
⇨Customise incoming and outgoing calls, messages and internet data usage
⇨Warning with remaining credit