Best Birthday is a useful utility that helps you organizing and viewing birthdays and anniversaries in a handy way: monthly view of anniversaries found in Contacts applications, alarms in Calendar associated with them, ability to perform a fully customizable export of anniversaries from Contacts to Calendar and much more.
- Uses information from native Contacts and Calendar databases, so you don’t have to enter contact information twice
- Gives the possibility to create greeting messages based on templates
- Easy to use and intuitive user interface
- Ability to sort birthdays by different criteria
- Allows making a call right from within the application
- Possibility to divide anniversaries view by month and Zodiac sign
Main application view
Filter birthdays
Best Birthday has birthdays filter
Settings dialog
Settings dialog
Edit dialog
Edit birthday dialog
Anniversaries view
Best Birthday is fully integrated with built-in Calendar and Contacts applications. It collects all birthdays and anniversaries found in Contacts and associates them with records in Calendar.
You can easily customize order, in which you’d like birthdays to be shown. This can be done with the help of menu command “Sort by”:
- Order ascending / descending;
- Sort by name;
- Sort by date;
- Sort by days left;
- Sort by months left;
- Split by month – lets you divide all birthdays into months. All the birthdays of a chosen month will be shown on one page, to change current month just press Left/Right arrow;
- * Split by Zodiac – works similarly to “Split by month”, but divides birthdays by Zodiac signs;
Best Birthday has a reach set of functions, such as:
- New/Edit/Delete birthday record;
- Add/Delete reminder for selected records;
- Adaptive search filter;
- Send greeting messages to contact,
- For convenient greetings sending you can use a template defined in the Settings dialog.
- You can enter patterns “%FirstName%” and “%LastName%” in the template, which will be replaced by contact data at the time of specific message creation basing on the template;
- Call contacts directly from the application;
How to create a new birthday:
All data about a birthday is stored in Contacts.
In order to add a birthday to an existing contact, choose the command New from contact.
If you want to add a birth date but you don’t have a corresponding contact use the command New to create a new contact with a birth date.
How to add a Calendar reminder:
Best Birthday lets you add reminders in your Calendar. When you add a calendar event, you can configure the following settings:
- Alarm: enabled / disabled;
- Days before;
- Alarm time;
When you add a birth date, a record is created with full name of the person, when you add an anniversary, the full name is prefixed by “A: “.
Note: If you want to add a lot of records in the calendar at one time, use the Mark all command from submenu Mark.
Some useful features:
- Adaptive search filter;
- Go to today – finds the closest birthday to the current date;
- Refresh contacts – refreshes contacts, happens every time Best Birthday starts;
- S^3 Symbian Os Added
- Some Minor Bugs Are Fixed..!
About Full Version :-
- No Need To Register ..!
- IF U Want To Register Fill The Details And Unlock Code “00000“