Format Factory 3.3.2: Best Video and Audio Converter for Nokia N8

There are file converters for all kinds of different files, whether you’re converting between different video, audio, or image formats. This might be the first time, however, that we’ve encountered a program that does all of the above. Format Factory is an ambitious program that’s capable of converting images, videos, and audio files between a number of different formats for Nokia smartphones phones.

Format Factory has a straightforward, intuitive interface; a menu on the left lets users select video, audio, picture, or ROM Device\DVD\CD\ISO. The Advanced menu option even lets users join files together. To use FormatFactory, simply select the kind of file you want to work with, browse to your source folder, confirm the files you want to convert, and click Start. FormatFactory made pretty quick work of most of our files, but its performance wasn’t flawless. At one point it inexplicably crashed as we were selecting the files we wanted to convert. When we attempted to convert an MPG to a GIF, something that FormatFactory allegedly permits, it went through the motions of processing but then revealed no actual change in the file. The program comes with a built-in Help file that’s not particularly detailed but does contain screenshots to help new users navigate FormatFactory’s features. If you need to convert, split, and merge files in a variety of formats, we definitely think FormatFactory is worth checking out. Just be aware that it doesn’t always perform as expected.

Format Factory installs a desktop icon without asking and leaves a folder behind upon removal.

Format Factory is a multifunctional media converter.
Provides functions below:
Rip DVD to video file , Rip Music CD to audio file.
MP4 files support iPod/iPhone/PSP/BlackBerry format.
Supports RMVB,Watermark, AV Mux.
Format Factory’s Feature:
1 support converting all popular video,audio,picture formats to others.
2 Repair damaged video and audio file.
3 Reducing Multimedia file size.
4 Support iphone,ipod multimedia file formats.
5 Picture converting supports Zoom,Rotate/Flip,tags.
6 DVD Ripper.
7 Supports 56 languages
OS requirements: All 32 windows OS


1 Default option doesn’t use multi-Threads to convert.
2 Fixed the problem of stopping task in Multi-Threads mode.
3 Fixed the problem of adding a large number of files.
4 Fixed the problem of Animation GIF convert to GIF.
5 Support XV Video files.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Question : Appear error message “Missing FFMpeg.dll”.
Answer:Please uninstall older version or empty the FormatFactory folder first , then install new version again.
Question : when I use “All to RMVB”,appear error message “Fail to decode”.
Answer:FormatFactory use system installed codec to decode sourec files. you must install some codec that your files needed. You can install “K-Lite” or other codec pack to solve this problem.
Question : How to make VCD/DVD.
Answer:FormatFactory only support file to file conversion. You can convert to MPG ,then use “Nero” to burn VCD/DVD.
Question : When I try to rip DVD , several of my dvds get errors.
Answer:Please click mencoder.rar download and unrar it , then replace “FormatFactory\FFModules\mencoder.exe” in FormatFactory installation folder.
Question : After I convert a movie with subtitle, the result come out without character ç, ã, é and Á.

Answer:Because the defaut font doesn’t support these character , Please change subtitle font to “Tahoma (Tahomabd.ttf)”

Direct Download – 55MB