1st Step
Visit OVI Store website
Login using your registered account
Choose application that you want to download
There’s Send to friend button, click it and you will see the URL in the URL bar like this:
http://store.ovi.com/content/807288A7F0 … -to-friend
Replace the send-to-friend text with download, so the result will be like this:
http://store.ovi.com/content/807288A7F0 … 6/download
Download will begin, don’t mind the extension for now, just save it to your desired location
There’s Send to friend button, click it and you will see the URL in the URL bar like this:
http://store.ovi.com/content/807288A7F0 … -to-friend
Replace the send-to-friend text with download, so the result will be like this:
http://store.ovi.com/content/807288A7F0 … 6/download
Download will begin, don’t mind the extension for now, just save it to your desired location
2nd Step
Open that downloaded file (*.sis.dm or *.sisx.dm) using Notepad++ || [n8fanclub.com]npp.5.6.6.Installer.zip || and perform the following procedure:
Remove these 3 lines text from that downloaded file:
Content-Type: x-epoc/x-sisx-app
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Using: Notepad++ || [n8fanclub.com]npp.5.6.6.Installer.zip ||
After Editing
Save the file
Remove *.dm from the file extension, so it will be *.sis or *.sisx only
Now copy that file to your phone, and run the file to install.