This is some behind the scenes footage of N8 producers skit: Rock Climbing in Finland. What an absolutely beautiful country. It’s like every angle deserves to be a desktop wallpaper :p.
Check out the contraptions they’ve got for the N8. There’s a shoulder rig to have some steady panning, and at another point, you’ll see the N8 flying on a freaking balloon for goodness sake!
I’m not sure what this behind the scenes video is filmed with – could this 720p stunner also be from Nokia N8 (I’m watching in 480p – thanks Tmob – and it still looks awesome).
The Rock Climbing footage was captured in Olhava, Finland. Set amongst the picturesque backdrop of the Repovesi National Park, the N8 Producers team captured some incredible footage and camera angles of Andy Gullsten’s near vertical climb.
Published at MyNokiaBlog