Programmable Drum Machine with pattern, song and instrument editors, mixer and tools view, including several professional quality, royalty free drum sample sets.
# Beautiful, easy to use user interface
# Unlimited number of patterns
# Unlimited song length
# Unlimited number of samples
# 16 beat, 6 channel pattern editor
# Per-trigger sample settings: volume, offset, ballance
# 6 Channel Mixer
# Instrument selection screen with samples sorted by type
# Play song or play pattern
# Load/Save song to XML format
# Two built-in, high quality sample packs
# Detailed, illustrated help in HTML format
# Beautiful, easy to use user interface
# Unlimited number of patterns
# Unlimited song length
# Unlimited number of samples
# 16 beat, 6 channel pattern editor
# Per-trigger sample settings: volume, offset, ballance
# 6 Channel Mixer
# Instrument selection screen with samples sorted by type
# Play song or play pattern
# Load/Save song to XML format
# Two built-in, high quality sample packs
# Detailed, illustrated help in HTML format
Click below to download