A simple homescreen compatible utily to check the RAM - used, and free. The more free RAM, the more programs you can start! Click below to download (N8FanCLub.com)RamInfo_182255_S^3.rar
LCG PhotoBook is compact photo viewer. LCG PhotoBook is also perfect Facebook pictures uploader, Picasa photo uploader, Photobucket photo uploader and Flickr photo uploader. Easy create photo gallery and photo albums in your mobile. Click below to download (N8FanClub.com)Lonely Cat Games PhotoBook v.2.01(0) S^3 signed.rar
SPB Time is an advanced, skinnable time toolbox for your phone. Analog and digital clock modes, World clock, timers and stopwatches, and advanced alarms. A lot of time-related functions in this world's bestselling application! Features: - Analog and Digital clocks - Classic, Bio and Paranoid alarms - World time - ...
Ergo’s meminfo is updated to version 2.4 for our Nokia N8 or any other Symbiam^3 device, fixed some bugs and improved performance. With this application / widget, we can find all the information about the memory of our device.Practical application to know at all times -we can set the widget to see ...