Dead USB Mode Flashing for Nokia N8 via Phoenix
What if your Nokia N8 becomes Dead after trying to flash a custom firmware via Phoenix? Don’t worry still you can recover back using Dead USB mode in Phoenix. All you have to do is to follow the simple steps mentioned below:

1. The procedure is the same for flashing Dead phones.
2. Download & Install Phoenix from here: N8FanClub.com_PSS_2012.04.003.47798.exe
3. Connect your phone with USB Cable [phone must be off at this time].
4. Click File>Open Product. Type in RM-596 (For Nokia N8) code from the window that appears. Click OK.
5. Click File> Manage Connections. Select No Connection. Then APPLY and CLOSE.
6. Now straight away click Flashing>Firmware Update.
7. A window will open. Click on Browse button [the one with 3 dots].
8. A window will open with various products and various regions. Choose the region or country of your choice according to the language pack you want to install.
9. Check the option “Dead Phone USB Flashing”.
10. Click Refurbish.
11. Flashing has started.
12. After some seconds flashing will pause asking you to turn your phone ON.
13. Press POWER button of your phone until backlight comes up.
14. Flashing will proceed.
15. Your phone will automatically start when the flashing finishes. After finish you can safely remove your data cable from handset.