Additional features are:
– Ability to pause the playback and to record audio streams to files.
– RadioSymba is compatible with S60v5 and later devices.
Hardware & Software Requirements:
– Nokia Symbian/S60 5th Edition and later devices
– At least 64 kbps Internet connection (256 kbps recommended)
– Nearly 13 MB on your system drive (C:\), if you don’t have the latest Qt SDK on your phone

RadioSymba installer uses Nokia Smart Installer to assure all dependencies are installed on a target phone. Therefore your smartphone must meet some requirements in order to able to install RadioSymba:
– Internet connection is required during installation process;
– If your phone does not have or does have outdated Qt libraries, then approximately 13 MiB will be downloaded from the Internet. In that case, also, additional 13 MiB of free space will be needed for install, if you don’t have no Qt installed at all.
If E:\ drive exists then recorded files will be put in E:\RadioSymba\, otherwise they will be put in C:\RadioSymba\. Make sure you have enough free memory to store these recordings. Additionally, C:\RadioSymba\ directory will contain files with settings for a program.
Change Log:
– app now uses Qt v4.7
– added: Options window with a lot of… options
– added option: volume step
– added option: equalizer with presets support
– added option: stop/resume station, when the headset had been unplugged/plugged in
– added option: custom filenames format for recordings (with a capability to organize files in subfolders)
– added option: start a new file, when a track changes (after X seconds delay, if needed)
– added option: append previous X seconds of a playback to each new file, that you started
– added option: log played tracks information
– added option: choose startup action (show last played list, favorites, genres or play last played station)
– added option: automatically start a record, when a track title matches specified pattern(s)
– added option: show/hide navigation links
– added option: resume interrupted record
– fixed: playback is lagging when recording a file
– fixed: error handling HTTP redirects
– fixed: error while interrupting the player with another sound with higher priority
– changed: Back button is always available.
Click below to download