Key features:
• Own address book with the ability to edit;
• Creating and editing contacts, groups;
• Working with messages in the conversations form (SMS-chat);
• Quick search by name & number;
• Individual call and messages log for each contact;
• Ability to record calls;
• Support for hot keys;
• Vibration signal when dialing up to the called contact;
• Quick access to your address book from standby mode (Smart Dialing);
• Create a backup of messages;
• Synchronize your contacts and calendar with the server;
• Autostart
Change Log:
1. MMS: the support to read and display multimedia messages, including long phone giant reported;
2 memory optimized: the previous version of the abruptly decreased by 20%;
3 thin: the default skin outside the skin to a separate download, the main program successful weight-loss 30%;
4 more friendly: the optimization of a variety of situations prompt;
5 audio-recorded messages to friends within the broadcast directly on the bubble;
6 Using the latest numbers attribution data;
7 using the latest contact search algorithm
Click below to download
(N8FanClub.com)Youlu Address Book v1.24 S^3 Signed.zip