Advanced Blocker is an all-in-one solution to help you filter unwanted voice calls, video calls, text messages, MMS and WAP Push messages.
You no longer need to turn off your phone just to avoid interruptions – just enable Advanced Blocker and leave it to the software to filter unwanted and unimportant calls and messages while you enjoy your privacy.
Advanced Blocker (AB) is easy to set-up yet powerful filtering tool for unwanted or badly-timed calls and messages.
How it works?
* Create a blacklist rule: to block certain contacts from calling/texting you, you just need to import them in the application. You can import contacts from phonebook, from the phone log and manually. Hidden callers can also be blocked!
* Group filters allow you to apply the same blocking rules for all of your phonebook contacts, all contacts not in phonebook and hidden callers.
* Incoming calls (voice and video) are blocked with a busy tone. Messages (text messages, MMS and WAP push messages) are silently filtered with no sound or light indication.
* Details of each filtering rule allow you to fine-tune the blocking options for the selected contact(s) or text pattern – you can choose whether to accept or reject calls, SMS, MMS and WAP Push messages.
* Visual indicator on the stand-by screen monitors AB’s activity and shows you if there are new blocked calls/messages.
* Blocked History log shows you all new blocked events.
What can you block?
Advanced Blocker recognizes any type of incoming communication and will instantly and silently block events from blacklisted contacts or rules:
* Voice calls
* Video calls
* Anonymous calls
* WAP push messages
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