Data Counter widget helps you to follow how much 2G/3G and WLAN data you transfer, directly from the home screen! You can set a warning to notify you when exceeding your limit – especially useful if your plan doesn’t include unlimited data.

Data Counter widget helps you to follow how much 2G/3G and WLAN data you transfer, directly from the home screen. You can set a warning to notify you when exceeding your limit – especially useful if your plan doesn’t include unlimited data. After installing Data Counter, simply start it and press the “Back” button. Do not exit application! Return to the home screen and press long on an empty widget slot. Select “Add content” and choose “Data Counter” to add the widget to the home screen.
After successfully installing Data Counter, the widget appears on the home screen and displays the current status. In Data Counter application main view, you can set a data warning limit. The data warning limit is useful if you don’t have flat rate data plan or you simply want to get alerted the after downloading data over certain limit. Please note that data counter does not get updated in real time. So set the limit several mega bytes lower than the limit you don’t want to exceed!