The fastest, free, group messaging app for your Symbian phone. Send Free Text and Multimedia messages to friends, anywhere in the world. Make Groups of friends and start conversing with all, for free. Receive free daily alerts of Horoscope, Weather, Sports, Stocks, Cartoon strips etc.
Stop spending money on SMS messages!!Imsy allows you to message your friends for free. Invite your friends and get started. Have lightning fast, real-time chat with friends; add relevant images to your messages based on suggestions from Imsy; see when friends are typing.That’s not all! Get Birthday reminders for your social network friends, receive exciting content like Horoscope, Weather, Cartoons and more in your Inbox everyday, post status messages to Facebook, Twitter.
What’s New in This Release:
- Support for split-screen QWERTY keyboard on compatible Symbian Anna and Belle devices
- Faster performance while loading and sending messages
- UI improvements
- Bug fixes, related to uncontrolled scrolling of messages, experienced by some users on v3 phones.
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