If you are using Symbian Belle, probably you have tried all new widgets, now you can change the skin of few toggle widgets. Special thanks to Zinox who has modded the default toggle widgets and given them a whole new look and Syarm for creating .SIS installers.
Note: Hacked phone is required to backup / install these modded widgets. You must use Norton Hack to enable OPEN4ALL and INSTALLSERVER patches from ROM Patcher before proceeding to the next step.
Backup Original .MIF Files
You’ll be required to backup following files from C:/resource/apps using X-plore
- bluetoothwidgeticons.mif
- cellulartoggleicons.mif
- networkwidgeticons.mif
- offlinewidget.mif
- silentwidget.mif
Either extract the resource folder in C:/ using X-plore after making a backup or you can use .sis installation files
Manual Extraction of Files / Folders
SIS File Installation:
(N8FanClub.com)Toggle widget all in 1_unsigned_hacked.sis
Click below to download