MDScan is not just another mobile scanner. With a host of manual and automatic image enhancements, it turns your smartphone into a complete digital workflow solution. Documents produced by MDScan are always clean and legible, are easy on the eyes and take minimum storage space. Documents with uniform white background are not just easier to read, but occupy far less space in the phone memory, allowing capturing more images in a single session.
Aiming for Clean White Background
MDScan can automatically whitens the background while removing distracting background elements such as lines, textures, and digital noise artefacts to produce documents containing black text on a white background. Cleaned documents take less memory, save toner when printed, and are easier to read.
Automatic Document Processing
MDScan includes a variety of automated enhancements that were made possible by using the latest edition of STOIK Document Enhancement SDK.
The automated processing options include:
Auto Selection automatically detects document content, automatically cropping and correcting for geometric distortion. Manual override is also available. White Background produces a clearly legible document with dark text on a white background, even if inverse fonts (bright text on dark background) or light colors were originally used. Clean Background removes distracting background elements such as texture, dots, lines, as well photocopying and scanning artefacts. Background elements are common in documents such as bank checks, tickets, passports, and so on. Flatten Brightness control makes text and fine detail more legible by automatically reducing brightness variations throughout the document and making dark and bright areas appear equally lit even in mixed lighting conditions. Brightness/Contrast adjustment provides optimum image quality by automatically correcting document brightness and contrast. Grayscale conversion removes unwanted color information and converts an image to grayscale. Invert Colors makes white-on-black documents easier to read by inverts image colors.
Save Scanned Documents as PDF
Producing a clean, legible and perfectly readable PDF file from a document image could not be done easier. In its full auto mode, MDScan will automatically crop document image, align the document by correcting perspective distortions, clean and whiten background and send or save the file as a JPEG image or PDF document – all in just a few clicks.
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