Swype Pen Input Keyboard for Symbian^3 Anna and Belle Smart-Phones with split screen and Gravity keyboard mod by Anand Bibek and slightly fixed by ramy9109. Swype is a keyboard through which you can write words just by swiping your fingers on the letters. Anand has recently released Nokia N9’s MeeGo Style Keyboard MOD for Swype and Swype Zeta v2.
This is the FINAL release of SWYPE keyboard with Gravity skin. Works fine in both landscape and portrait view. It’s the latest version of swype from Nokia betalabs. And u can install it over your earlier Swype. No need to uninstall previous version.
Must be installed on E:/ and your phone must be hacked using Norton Hack.
Arabic, Russian and Spanish Keyboards Included in Download Package
Arabic Gravity Keyboard for Swype

Spanish Gravity Keyboard for Swype

Russian Gravity Keyboard for Swype

Click below to download