ZDclock is so much more than simply an alarm clock. It is also a fantastic personal organiser, doubling as a calendar for numerous events and occassions, allowing you to relax and take it easy knowing that everything you need to remember is taken care of. Never again do you need to hold your head in shame when you forget your wife’s birthday. No more takeaways that add to your waistline when you burn the dinner. Almost every instance where time is of an essence is neatly taken care of with ZDclock.
“Punctual alarm clock” Powerful tool for time management that combines the functions of an alarm clock, calendar and organizer, including:
– A simple alarm clock with multiple settings, will wake you up even if the smart off
– A reminder of important dates, anniversaries
– Birthdays
– Important meetings
– Terms for loans
– Schedule of medication
– Remind you of upcoming calls
– A reminder of the necessary purchases
And much more, all 23 items + Full integration with the system running in does not hang.
Fixed crash when many names and other errors previous character versions.
Click below to download
E7FanClub.com_ZDClock v1.09.105 s60v3 v3 s^3 En by Shankru.zip
E7FanClub.com_ZDClock v1.09.105 s60v3 v3 s^3 En by Shankru.zip