Rapidly than the IOS application Siri! This is the best assistant voice on Symbian! Just say or to order, the program will help you open favorite web pages, or call the person you wish to contact, or open applications favorite game … Really quick and easy! Functions such as application launch, unlocked phone voice will be at the next update in the future … [A reasonable fee?]
How to use:
1. Running voice Shortcut
2. Select the items you want to use
3. Press the “Record”, and recording voice. Press “Play” to preview the record. If all OK, save it!
4. Run the application, or to run the program.
NOTE:I add the application “Restart” and then record your voice. When do want to reboot the phone, saying “Restart”. = »The phone automatically restart .. I have tried and WORK PERFECT … Compatible with S^3 / Anna / Belle Smart Phones.