This application will help you to know the Qt version number that your Symbian^3 / Symbian^4 device have had installed. Note that Qt 4.7.x needs to be installed for the application to work.
Currently displays (all the info is obtained at run-time, not compile-time):
- Qt version
- Mobility version
- Installed Qt modules
- Qt build and licensing info
- Webkit version
- SSL support
- QtOpenGL support
- Qt default paths used
- Supported image formats
- OS/Firmware version
- Country and language as seen from Qt
- Network (GSM/IP) interfaces and addresses
- Available sensors
- Qt Quick version, installed plugins and plugin import paths
- Installed Qt Components (from packages com.nokia.symbian, qt.labs.components, qt.labs.components.native)
- Multimedia devices (input/output), supported codecs and containers
- Installed fonts and respective languages
- Hardware features available (BT, WiFi?, USB, Vibra…)
- Screen parameters
- SQL drivers
Channels supported for relaying the info:
- Clipboard
- Pastebin
- File on mass-storage
Qtinfo.html has been included in the download package as a sample file. It was generated using Qtinfo App.