A little app for closing WhatsApp to avoid data charges and always on connectivity. It’s selfsigned only. It just closes Whatsapp, there is no UI. There is no question or ok button to close WhatsApp. Just tap the app icon and it will notify you that WhatsApp has been closed. It’s based on MiniCMD, but we renamed all files and changed all UID’s, so you can use any MiniCMD app without conflicts. Note: You can only uninstall it from settings app, main menu doesn’t work. Better to add the app’s shortcut icon on your phone’s home screen. Compatible with S^3 / Anna / Belle Smart Phones. Le Start Stop Application has also similar purpose to kill WhatsApp.
Update 2.0:
– you can choose between two options at install:
– Confirm Dialog
– No Dialog
If you choose Confirm Dialog you have to confirm closing
– now it really closes ALL processes, also on S60v5
– removed MiniCMD server (it’s not needed, because there are no file operations)
– Widget also included in the download package