Azan (Athan) application for Symbian^3 and S60 5th ed phones. It plays azan 5 times automatically in a day. Kiblah direction can be found by GPS/Magnetic Compass enabled phone that help you to pray to appropriate time and to appropriate direction. It can display your location and Kiblah in map. Tasbih can be counted with this application also. Compatible with S^3 / Anna / Belle Smart Phones.
You can get accurate time by following this step. You can add or subtract time (differences in minutes) from the calculated time. You can use this method without trying any mentioned methods (described later) to get correct prayer time. Insert the observed difference at your location in this format in the settings: “-3+5-2+7-0” (without inverted commas), with this value we are telling to this software that reduce 3 minutes for Fajr, add 5 minutes for Zuhr, reduce 2 minutes for Asor, add 7 minutes for Magrib and no change for Isha. If you want to add some minutes put in front of it + and if you want to subtract you put -, if you don’t want to change put +0 or -0. Insert your correction time in this format to this setting. This is necessary only for first time. Hemeazan will use these correction before showing it to UI and it will play azan on right time. Please see this image, here correction for Isha 0 means no change for Isha from calculated time.
Previous correction methods are direct one, it works always. We can follow these steps to adjust the prayer time also. If only Asor time is wrong change the Asor ratio (in setting view) from Hanafi to Shafi or Shafi to Hanafi. If all prayer time is wrong then check the day light saving (in setting view) Yes to No or No to Yes.
Calculation method in settings view is important for correct time. There are 5 calculation methods available in Azan software. Each calculation method calculates prayer time differently. Please change it to suitable calculation method that match your prayer time. If you change the calculation method and go back to main view then you can see the new calculated time. This selection is necessary for only one time. Since Hemelix does not know which method match to you, so you need to select right one that match your prayer time.
You must select your location and azan settings correctly. If your selection is wrong, your prayer time will be wrong. When you start this application for first time, it will automatically detect your country and capital city. If this is the city you are living then select that city (Option | select). If this is not your city then scroll up or down to see if your city is there, if it is there select it (Option | select). If your city is not there, follow the next steps to insert it. You must insert your timezone (can be between +11 to -11) in the settings view. Azan software automatically calculates the timezone that can be wrong for some countries. To find your timezone see see this wiki page, if you have any problem please contact hemelix.
Insert your correct location, option one:
Select automatic (Options | Location | Automatic) if we want to get your location automatically (if your phone has built in GPS), this will bring your Country and City with your location information automatically, you don’t need to insert by yourself. Azan program knows where you are in the world.
Insert your correct location, option two:
Get your latitude and longitude from this link. (zoom the map and click on your location on the map) Select Options location and Insert. Insert following string “country city latitude longitude” for example my location is Dubai, UAE and I insert this: UAE Dubai 25.2497 55.3217 25.2497, 55.3217 is location information (latitude and longitude) of Dubai, UAE has been taken from Google map in the previous step
How to find Kiblah Direction by your phone:
We can find kiblah direction by two ways. First method is by compass, if your phone has compass (for example, there is built in compass in N97 and in N97 mini, N8 ) you can use Options | Kiblah direction by | Magnet. This will activate the compass and you see the compass image is rotating. If it does not rotate, move the phone around. This will show the north and also Kaba direction in the screen. If your phone does not have compass (for example N95, 5800 XM, N78 etc) then this option will not be available. Second method is by GPS, if your phone has GPS (most phones are equipped with GPS now a days) then you can use this option. You need to walk around 150 meters near your place. Select Options | Kiblah direction by | GPS, wait a bit in the same place so that phone finds the GPS (it will draw an arrow in the middle of screen, means it has found the GPS). Now walk 150 meters in a straight line. You see there will be an arrow in the direction you walk. It will update the screen after 5 meters interval. When you have walked 150 meters it will show a text “Calibrated”. Now align the newly drawn line to the line you walked, you see in which direction you walked and in which direction you have to pray (indicated by arrow with kiblah image). If your phone has both magnet and GPS then you can use any of these options. If your phone does not have GPS or Magnet then these option will not visible in the menu.
How to send settings from one phone to other phone:
You can easily send all the setting data from one phone to other phone, you don’t need to find all information by yourself again. Put both phone’s azan application in setting view, new menu item (“Send Settings”) will be available. You can select that and it will start searching Bluetooth devices around. Select the target phone and accept it from other phone. All the settings will be available to other phone. After changing any settings please restart the app (Options | Exit and start the azan again, if you do that your location and azan time will be correct.