SymNote is a “SimpleNote” App for Symbian Smartphones SymNote lets you make notes and keep them up to date wherever you are. Notes edited on the desktop can be set to automatically sync to your phone every time the app starts up. SymNote even works when don’t have a data connection available, storing the note changes or new notes in its internal database, then pushing them to the SimpleNote servers the next time a sync is performed.
*. Downloads your last 100 SimpleNote notes to your phone
*. Can be set to auto sync on start up
*. Split entry to make editing notes easier (Supported in Symbian 3 and Symbian Anna)
*. Create new notes
*. Editing existing notes
*. View meta data about notes
*. Add Tags / Share notes to other people
*. Delete and undelete notes
*. Pin / unpin notes to / from the top of the note list
*. Option to change note font size (beneficial to E6 users)
*. Filter notes by status : All / Current / Deleted / Un-Synced
*. Display notes by Tag
*. Search for notes based on a keyword based on their tag or the note content
*. Update and create notes offline
*. Indicators for pinned, shared, edited and locally changed only notes in the list view