The main task of this application is changing the ringtones automatically. It is not secret that one ringtone not always can be set for call, messages and alarm. Often you want to set one long and loud ringtone for the call and short and loud – for messages. For an alarm you want to set the long one but with an increasing tempo.
The RndTones application counts this and allows you to set different ringtones lists for the calls, messages and alarms. After each of events (incoming call, incoming message, and alarm action) the new ringtone will be selected randomly from the appropriate list.
The application settings are quite compact. “Change ringtones” – switches the application work (including autostart). If “yes” – the ringtones will be changed (for the selected events) and the application starts will automatically when phone starts. If “no” – the ringtones will be not changed and the application will not start with the phone. Further you can switch on or off the ringtones changing for the definite events. In the various alarm applications the alarm ringtone changing is the second function by the popularity after ability to configure the acting intervals, though not every alarm application can do it. And in separation of alarm this function is in general unique! It is small separate server application handles the ringtones changing and it is not consume a lot of system resources and do not reveal self-anyhow. The main application can be closed or minimized directly after configuring the settings. This will not affect further work anyhow. Then we have three separate playlists. They are:
Call ringtones, SMS ringtones, Alarm ringtones.
When you add the ringtones you can select built-in phone’s ringtones (from the Z drive) or search them in the phone’s memory.
Directly after selecting standard ringtones the list will be opened. By default all the ringtones will be selected and added into the list after you will press OK. When you navigate through the list the preview will work (if this word can be used on the ringtone). E.g. that application will start to play new selected ringtone so we can understand what we are selecting.
Select desired ringtones and press OK. The ringtones will be added into the list. There can’t be any ringtones’ duplicates. E.g. only those new ringtones will be added which weren’t in the list.
When you select the user ringtones at first the memory drive selection dialogue will be shown. The owners of modern phones (with three memory drives) would not be hurt. They will see all the available drives (the C drive, built-in flash-drive and the flash memory card).
Then the directory selection dialogue will be shown. The feature is: you can always select the root folder. The search of the ringtones will be performed in all the nested directories at this. If you don’t want to handle all the ringtones that you have, so you better should select the concrete directory that contains the ringtones.
After that the all the found ringtones list will be opened and you will be able to add them into the application’s list of the ringtones.
To the left of the ringtone’s name you can see the colored circle. When you press the joystick center it will switch its color between green and red. So you can include or remove this ringtone in the rotation process. The ringtones that is highlighted with a green will be used in the rotation process. The red ones would not.
After selecting the ringtones into the list, new options will be shown in the menu. I will describe some of them here.
“Activate” – the cascade menu. You can select “all” or “nothing”. Accordingly you can add all the ringtones into the rotation process or remove them. “Ringtone information” – the dialogue will be shown that has full ringtone file path (remember that in the list it is only the ringtone’s name). This information is not needed too often and there is no sense to show it in the main list view because it will only burden it. If someone needs to see the file information – he can see it using this menu. “Sound on/Sound off” – these are interchangeable options. They affect the selected ringtone playing while you navigate through the list. This is so called “preview”. The function can be useful but it can bother you and so you will want to switch it off.
Supported platforms:
Series60 3rd Edition FP1, Series60 3rd Edition FP2, Series60 5th Edition, Symbian^3